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Este movimiento en España esta presente, desde la ciudad andaluza de Málaga trabajamos ya con este método, buen ambiente y mejores compañeros. Suerte a todos con vuestro proyectos.


Indeed, the number of spaces for coworking has grown worldwide, and Brazil has not been different, because today there are numerous companies that work with shared office.
I was surprised with the efficiency of these spaces!
I researched some companies and I liked the most were the www.regus.com.br which is pretty cool, but very expensive, and www.clubwork.com.br, which has a very different style and not so expensive, I really liked, but not yet decided.
This week I will visit some places and post here my opinion.
See you soon!

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For successful coworking, you need a good management program that all workers can access from anywhere. Now Clarizen and Salesforce have a data integration system www.clarizen.com/ProjectSoftware/Integrations/Salesforce.aspx that allows your online crm program to "talk" to your online project management software. And it integrates with Microsoft too.

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  • The authors are Steve King and Carolyn Ockels. Steve and Carolyn are partners at Emergent Research and Senior Fellows at the Society for New Communications Research. Carolyn is leading the coworking study and Steve is a member of the project team.